Workshops & Retreats

with Dr. Michal and friends

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SEATTLE POP-UP CLINIC - Springtime Bodymind Immersion

SEATTLE POP-UP CLINIC – May + early June 2024

Do you have plans this Spring to clean out your cupboards? To dust off the cobwebs accumulated over the past year(s)? To check if your clothes are still sparking joy? Springtime has the energy of clearing out your space and letting go of what you don’t need anymore. How about giving your SELF the same loving attention this year? 

I am thrilled to be returning to Union Wellness to offer a pop-up clinic! Within the container of this 4-week immersion, you can focus on nourishing your whole being so you feel calmer, clearer and ready to enjoy the abundance of the summer.

The Springtime Bodymind Immersion includes:

  • One individual bodymind consultation to get a good picture of how you’re feeling, how you got here and where you’d like to be in the next month (in-person or virtual) 
  • One individual strategy session to set your intentions and plan for our time together (in-person or virtual) 
  • One individual session to close this time together and plan for your next steps (in-person or virtual)


  • Optional: weekly group sessions to integrate experiences together (virtual)
  • Optional: weekly group morning mindful exploration and actual immersion (cold plunge) in Lake Washington (!)
*Craniosacral therapy* is a gentle, hands-on technique that allows you to sink deeply into relaxation space and your inner wisdom. It can be especially helpful for finding balance from mental health concerns, as well as addressing headaches, TMJ and chronic pain. It is a lovely complement to the Springtime Bodymind Immersion, or you can enjoy stand-alone sessions during Dr. Michal’s Pop-Up Clinic at Union Wellness. 


Pop-Up Clinic Cost$

The Springtime Bodymind Immersion: $540

  • additional craniosacral therapy session (50 minutes) $100 
  • add-on to in-person consultations (25 minutes) $50 

DIY craniosacral therapy sessions (50 minutes)

  • 1 session: $120


What now?

Interested? Have questions? Feeling a heck yeah? Space is quite limited, so go ahead and set up a free call with Dr. Michal for a lovely conversation and to schedule your sessions.

If you’re looking to schedule craniosacral therapy sessions only, you can do that directly through Union Wellness’s online scheduler.

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"I feel like I am on a greater mission. To learn to hear my own intuition.
I needed to practice, just like anything else.. This fine art of trusting myself.
But intuition can be kind of hard to find. And it sure can help to have someone remind me
Once in a while of my deepest desire. To live a life that’s truly inspired!"
- from Michal's song, "Only a Path"